Sunday, November 25, 2012

My week in concerts

I went to see two concerts this week and I will talk about them now because they were very much awesome and I don't want to do my homework.

Soo on Wednesday I went to see TOY play at a super cute club called Molotow, which I love.

I do not own these pictures! Since I have kind of given up on taking pictures at concerts, due to it being annoying as fuck and super distracting, besides they barely ever turn out good anyways.
You can see me in the last picture I'm the short person withe the dark hair. uhm ya

It was really good, the played soo well, I don't even know what to say. I went on my own which was kind of akward but also funny and it didn't really matter because people were nice and it was really all about the music. In the past I have missed concerts because I didn't want to go on my own and after this I just really encourage anyone to do it!

You should all listen to TOY! They are beyond amazing!

Left myself behind

Coulors running out

BUT thats not all on Friday I went to see Gold Panda at a club called BAALSAAL

It was supposed to start at 12 but they started letting people in at about 1am, then the warm up played for about two hours until Gold Panda started playing. The entire set was insane, I think he only played for one or one and a half hours but it felt so much longer. Gold Panda was really nice when we went to say hi after the show, it was an amazing night.

Vanilla Minus

(You probably know this song, at least you really should know this song, major relevance!)

TO FINISH THIS OFF I was looking for pictures of the show (and didn't find any) but I found this interesting picture of the club
It's part of a project in which André -Alexander Griesemann takes Pictures of clubs at day with the "cleaning lights" turned on.
go look at the entire gallery here it's definitely worth your time!

Friday, November 16, 2012


I made this collage today for my art class in school and I wasn't even planning on making a blog post  about it but my internet is so impossibly slow that I couldn't upload anything to tumblr.
so here you go I really like it

Sunday, October 28, 2012

crystal castles/nighttime thoughts

I think its winter now. I don't know why I even talk about seasons so much I don't really care about them cause I spend the majority of my life indoors anyways. 
Its 2am and I just went outside everything was very black but the sky was very clear and the moon and the stars were super bright so you could see everything. I jumped on my trampoline which was frozen because its fucking cold out. 
I like nighttime a lot better than daytime. its my holidays at the moment so I never really get up before noon and spend all night up even when I don't go out.
Tonight all I did was read interviews and stuff about crystal castles on the internet. They really don't give a lot of interviews but they come across as such great people!
I'm seeing them live in December for the first time and I'm looking forward to that so very much.
I'm disappointed by a lot of artists on a regular basis at the moment which makes sense I guess because they're human beings and humanity is a very disappointing concept in general.
Being conform with my political views at all times is impossible for most people anyways and I don't even want to talk about those kind of issues this publicly because I'm learning so much every day and am way to scared to say something I will hate myself for later.
To get back to crystal castles I just want to stress how amazing they truly are to me their music is beautiful and I think its partially because hey really don't make the music for anyone but themselves and they really don't care about anything else.

Can someone please tell me how to put music into blogspot posts? Its so annoying to have to include videos or links when i really just want the music.

I think I only have ideas like posting this kind of stuff online at night so yes have a good one or something.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall is the shit!

tumblr. being down and all I decided to make a blogpost.
So basically I love fall very much, while it can get kind of depressing at times there is just so much more magic going on than in other seasons. Summer is super fun but its all outside stuff and festivals it's very easy to find something to do and have fun. Summer being the best time of the year fall is as mentioned a lot more magical. The leaves change and it starts getting colder. You can wear tights and boots, scarves and hats in bold colors or just wear nothing but black for an entire month.
I think a lot of people love winter and Christmas because of its magic ( I don't even know whats going on with me and that idea of magic) but in my opinion Christmas is terribly annoying and overly commercialized. You get crappy Christmas songs for months and you end up being stuck with your family for three days doing nothing but eating its not all that special.
Fall however doesn't have to be celebrated (okay I live in Germany so I don't have Thanksgiving or anything) or sold to you to be special. Fall is this omnipresent mood that seems to be deciding and influencing everything that happens.
Also Halloween! I love Halloween! Where I live people don't make as big a deal out of Halloween but in my opinion it's the best holiday ever. I love dressing up for Halloween, I love candy, I love pumpkins, I love creepy movies, I want fake blood and glitter and scull shaped everything. I love being able to get cheap black lipstick and ghost masks everywhere in October, things I need in my life most of the time but have problems finding the rest of the year. 
I'm actually really sad that I accidentally deleted the 'fall essentials' post I really liked it but due to my severe case of laziness I'm not going to make it again.
I'm  going to cure my Friday morning hangover (how can it be 3pm?) by going to the cinema with my friend now to watch 'hotel transylvania' which seems perfect for today.

lastly have this song: 'How does it make you feel' by the magical 'Air', love them!
How does it make you feel - Air

Sunday, October 14, 2012


I went to the dOCUMENTA(13) in Kassel this summer. The dOCUMENTA is a giant exhibit of contemporary and modern art that takes place in Kassel, Germany every 5 years.
My friend took this picture of me and some friends in a room that had a jukebox in it and had all the song lyrics written on the walls, it was really beautiful. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

It's October 3rd

I love how everyone is making a way too big deal out of the it's October 3rd thing because I love Mean Girls and I love when the internet gets obsessed with something as long as it stops before getting too annoying.

Also October 3rd is my brothers birthday aand I don't have to go to school because it's a holiday in Germany (where I live) .

So yay for October 3rd!
(this post is pointless)

(this is actually fake I think)

Friday, August 3, 2012

Thursday, August 2, 2012


My Summer has been amazing until now. In June I went to Hurricane Festival witch was amazing and wonderful we had such a good time!

This is me and my friend before we went to see our first concert.

 The white stage was a tent in witch they played electronic music and it had these amazing installations.

 This is Oliver Sim off the xx who were incredible live! 

we had the most beautiful time
I took the following pictures with my DIANAmini

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

look I found her red coat

So since I'm back in school posting on here is the ultimate way of procrastinating homework ugh.

All I've even been thinking about lately is summer and festivals. Really looking forward!

There's a lot of stuff I want to talk about but lets just start with some music.

Metronomy, heart rate rapid .Love love love them at the moment. This is actually from their second album Nights Out, they don't sound as electronic on their third Album but I'm really looking foward to seeing them live!

SBTRKT , look at stars , right place

James Blake, CMYK . I actually put this in here because a friend of mine has been obsessed with this song so I've been listening to it a lot...

  • listen to this music with headphones
  • very loudly
  • its great for eliminating all the annoying talking noises humans make 
  • it will drastically improve your day
Have a lovely day, I for one am going back to tumblr. since I haven't reached my daily post limit yet haha..

I might do another music post soon cause I'm exited about a lot of different music right now. I just didn't feel like mixing it all up..

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hi again

So I haven't really been using this blog in the past few months (cause I'm fucking lazy) and I was actually thinking of deleting it but after looking through the posts and everything I don't really think I want to...
Things may have to change I'm really annoyed by the bad quality my pictures have on here but the thing is I don't really have a good camera at the moment. For one thing I HATE digital photography I don't know why I just don't do it and I'm not gonna buy some fancy schmancy digital Nikon or Canon camera and call myself a photographer.
So I'll really have to figure something out with the pictures. Apart from that I don't have school because of Easter and shit and right now its the middle of the night and I just started rewatching FRIENDS because it is amazing and always cheers me up and I only just realized how much I've been missing that show, its like they are my friends too, do you know that feeling?

so right now I think this is gonna turn into a Phoebe appreciation post...

she is soo cute and lovely and amazing...but come on you know this

and we don't even have to talk about her clothes

but also her hair is really amazing it changes all the time 
I think she one of my biggest hair inspirations 

and all those thing she always has in her hair
I mean I've been looking for those frilly feathery thing forever!

I love her outfit in the first episode:

so we've established that I love her and hopefully I will be back